Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Online USTA, ITA, Referee tests

Midwest Tennis Officials:
I am going to use this blog to try to send out timely information to the umpiring team in our section. There will be a link to this blog on my Midwest site, so if you forget the url, you can find it again.

I hope most of you have already attended the 2007 training class. However, if you have not, you must take an open book test for each class and complete it before you attend your session. Because it is online, some people are confusing these tests with the more familiar online Provisonal Umpire's Exam. For your USTA, ITA, and or Referee classes, you must download and take the tests which are to be completed on paper answer sheets. USTA (60 questions) ITA (40questions) Referee(50 questions). These tests require the references from the 2006 Friend at Court. If you no longer have access to the 2006 Friend at Court, there is a link to a copy at my website http://mwofficials.home.att.net On the home page, there are links to both the 2007 and the 2006 Friend at Court.

The district trainers for the most part take their own time to go to their own training class with a National TE, and then use their own time to prepare, lead, and then follow up on your district training sessions. Please do not take the registration lightly. Don't cancel unless there is a very urgent conflict. Assume you have one chance to complete your training and attend that class. I often get requests for another training session late in August or September and there is none scheduled. Don't assume that the district trainer is going to schedule another session later for your convenience.

Remember, for 2008 recertification, you will need an eye doctor's signature. Be sure to schedule your appointment early enough to get your required signature on the datacard.

The Kenosha Men Future's tournament in August has moved to Elm Grove, Wisconsin. It will be Aug 3-Aug 12. The chief umpire is Sharyl Currie sharsunshine@aol.com

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