Saturday, February 17, 2007

ITA New Rules-2007

ITA Rules Changes for 2007
(New wording is indicated Bold)

Adopted by the Rules Committee at its December Meeting at the ITA Annual Coaches Convention.

Rule Change #1:
ITA Rule II.K.5 (p. 255-256). Before the state of the dual-meet match, the coach must submit the lineup, including their top 6 players who are available to play and in order of ability. Once the match has begun and a coach removes a player from the singles lineup, all players then must move up one spot and the No. 7 player must be inserted into the No. 6 position unless this move violates the order of ability rule (ITA Rule II.K.3) in which case the player will be inserted into their appropriate lineup position based on ability.

Rule Change #2:
ITA Rule II.K.6 (p. 256). A coach may remove any player from the doubles lineup by making a direct line substitution. The doubles lineup must still be played in order of ability. Players removed from the doubles lineup may play in singles. Once the match has officially begun, two players may be substituted for any doubles team (only if the match begins with singles). The lineup must remain in order of ability.

Rule Change #3:
ITA Rule II.V.B (pg. 260). For all ITA Division I National Tournaments, in singles, a can of balls must be used for each set (3 balls per set), and four balls (4) must be used in doubles pro-sets.
Note: The current ITA policy for dual matches will remain in effect through this spring season: to use a new can for the third set, unless conference rules mandate otherwise. This rule will be reviewed by the Rules Committee and Operating Committee at the meetings during the NCAA Championships this May.

New Rule:
ITA Rule I.E.12 (pg. 233). A player or coach ejected from a match must leave the tennis venue for the duration of the team match.

Rule Clarification:
A Roving Umpire, in direct observation of the court, may call a hindrance without being appealed to by one of the players on the court. A roving umpire may also call a “let” if a player is endangered by a stray ball on the court.

Rule Modification:
ITA Rule I.B.11 Touches, invasion of opponent’s court, reaching over the net, and double bounces, which states, “Calls involving a player touching his opponent’s court, hitting an opponent’s return before it has passed the net, and a double bounce must be called by the player committing the infraction. If there is a solo chair umpire, he also may make these calls. A roving umpire may make the call if he directly observed the incident or if he is appealed to.”

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