Sunday, May 18, 2008

Officiating in the Midwest Section

Many people often ask about how to become a tennis official. The short answer is you have to take a test and that is it, the rest is up to you.

Any individual who is interested in tennis officiating can become certified by the USTA and join the ranks of the 425 current officials here in the Midwest Section.

Throughout the year each of the thirteen districts in the five states of the Midwest Section offer training schools for officials. These schools are structured for the beginning to the highly seasoned official. Every year each official who has been certified the previous year must attend one of these schools and pass a written exam to retain their certification. The certifications start with the beginning or provisional umpire to the most experienced professional umpire and include referees and collegiate officials (national and professional officials need only pass an exam).

Once certified an official will receive on court training at local tournaments assigned through their district. As your skill level and interest increase you may become eligible for more challenging events even professional.

To get started you must be a USTA member then contact your district chairman of officials or go the Training link on this web site to find a school nearest you. At the school you will get up to date information, learn techniques and procedures while sharing and learning experiences from some of the most experienced officials in our section. You’ll also get in touch with and/or learn about the contacts that you will need to get assigned to events.

Officiating has been very rewarding to me and remains the one best way that I can Give Something Back to Tennis.

If you have other questions remember to contact your district chairman and get started.

Alan Steinhauser
Chairman of Officials, USTA/Midwest Section
4305 Market St.
Youngstown, OH 44512
330-782-6165 fax
alan (at)

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