Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Datacard are due soon

Midwest Officials:
Reminder: It's time to get your 2008 datacard in order so you can submit it for recertification for 2009. Your district chairs must verify your certification qualifications, make copies and submit the originals to Alan Steinhauser by October 15. Therefore, be sure to meet your district chairman's deadline, between end of September and very early October.
  • Be sure you have indicated the training session you have attended, including dates and name of the trainer.
  • Be sure that all your umpiring events are complete with signature of the referee or chief umpire
  • Front page should contain your current USTA membership number and expiration date which is beyond Nov, 2008
  • Your signature and date should be completed

If you wish to gain specific certification level, include that information when you submit your datacard. Incomplete datacard may delay your certification or possibly lower the certification to a provisional level if you are certified at all.
Remember, your district chairman is a volunteer who does this administrative work to help the officials. Do your part to minimize their overhead.