Monday, January 21, 2008

2008 FAC is arriving

Midwest Officials:
The 2008 Friend at Courts started arriving late last week. So if you haven't received yours yet, expect it shortly. This means that you should plan on taking your 2008 Friend at Court to your training session since it will arrive before the first national session in Cincinnati.

However, DO NOT TOSS the 2007 FAC. You will need it to complete your online pre-tests before attending your training session. The reference citations are from the 2007 FAC.

Be sure to check your 2008 umpire certification. If you believe that the certification levels are in error, please contact Alan Steinhauser to correct it immediately. Alan must request the change to New York by March 1 or the change will not be made.

Thursday, January 17, 2008

National letter with certification and datacard

By now most of you have received your umpire certification card and the new 2008 datacard. Included is a letter from Lois Huggins, Rich Kaufman and Ryan Orner. The letter contains critical information about the officiating program, so you should file the letter in a safe place where you can find it for future reference. The letter gives certification abbreviations, notes how to access the national database of officials (gives username and password), talks about the changes in the US Open application process, discusses training program, umpire clothing, and more. Please do not discard this important letter.

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

National TE taught Training Sessions Set

The national TE taught training sessions have seen set:
The Saturday sessions are for those with 5 or more years umpiring experience. The day will cover USTA, Referee, and ITA classes. The Sunday session is for those who have less than 5 years of umpiring experience and the USTA class will be covered in more detail, including discussion of the rules. All class attendees must pre-register for the sessions to attend.

Before coming to class, download the relevant documents from

Each class packet (Referee, USTA, ITA) comes in three parts:
1) actual exam
2) cover sheet - explains how many questions you must answer correctly to pass
3) answer sheet.

Complete the tests, using the 2007 Friend at Court for your reference. Bring the relevant answer sheet(s) to class.
Also bring:
1) 2008 Friend at Court if you receive it in time. Otherwise bring your 2007 FAC.
2) 2008 Datacard

Feb 9 & 10: Cincinnati, OHIO
Contact: Barry Fittes
National Trainer: Bard Rickey
Cincinnati Registration Form

Feb 16 & 17: Indianapolis, INDIANA
Contact: Bill Kopek
National Trainer: Bruce Avery
Indy Registration Form
USTA Midwest Section Office
1310 E 96th Street, Suite 100
Indianapolis, IN 46240

Feb 23 & 24: Homewood, ILLINOIS
Contact: John Coleman
National Trainer: Jane Goodman
Chicago-NIL Registration Form
Homewood-Flossmoor Racquet & Fitness Club
2920 West 183rd Street
Homewood, IL 60430

Mar 15 & 16: Ann Arbor, MICHIGAN
Contact: Mel Kropko
National Trainer: Rebel Good
Ann Arbor Registration Form
Huron Valley Tennis Club
3235 Cherry Hills Road
Ann Arbor, MI 48105

2008 ITA Rules Changes

2008 ITA Rules Update

The following were adopted/clarified but will not appear in published edition of 2008 Friend at Court: New wording in bold

ITA Rule I.J.3&4 – Who may coach in men's tennis / Who may coach in women's tennis. BOTH rules will now read as follows. Coaching is permitted by the head coach and two designated coaches, who may be an assistant coach and/or a registered volunteer coach and/or player. Two coaches may coach on the same court at one time. Note: Division I Rule only for 3 men's coaches (non Division I men's tennis remains 2 coaches)
[Discussed during December ITA Convention. D1 coaching rules now consistent for men and women. 3 coach change on D1 men’s side due in part to policy at NCAA Championships in Tulsa this May]

ITA Rule I.J.5 Where a coach may coach . "The coach may sit or stand near the net post and must stay within the area where the players chairs or benches are or should be provided. The coaches movement should be limited so that he/she does not distract the players….”

ITA Rule I.L.1 a….The ball change in Division I men's and women's tennis in singles is a can of balls for each set (3 balls per set), and four balls (4) must be used in doubles pro-sets.

ITA Rule II.I.2 "Team penalty for being late" Team penalty for being late. If a team is not ready to begin its team match at the specified starting time, each player on the starting lineup in singles shall begin one game down and shall be deemed to have lost the toss. If a team is not ready to begin the match within 15 minutes of the specified starting time it will lose the doubles point(s). If a team is not ready to begin within 1 hour of the specified start time it will forfeit the remaining singles matches.

ITA Rule II.K.5 Removing players from the team line-up: Before the start of the dual-meet match, the coach must submit the three doubles and eight/ (or all) singles players available to play and they must be listed in order of strength. For Doubles see rule K.6. If a singles player is not listed or (in the top eight ), he or she may not be inserted into the singles lineup at anytime. The coach may remove a singles player/players from their initial list after the doubles has been completed, and each player listed below the removed player must move up the appropriate amount of spots.

The following were adopted/clarified and will appear in 2008 edition of FAC:

ITA Rule I.C.3 "Feinting…." 3. Feinting, changing position, and intentional distraction . A player may feint with the body while the ball is in play. A player may change position at any time, including while the server is tossing the ball. Any movement or sound that is made solely to distract an opponent, including, but not limited to, waving the arms or racket or stamping the feet, is not allowed. The receiver's partner shall not stand in the receiver's service box before or during the serve. If a player does so, he shall be warned that if he does so he is subjected to being penalized under the ITA Point Penalty System.

ITA Rule I.G.3 "Match starts with warm-up" Match starts with warm-up. The official start of a match is marked when the on court warm-up begins between the two opponents (for two doubles teams). It is mandatory to warm-up with the opponent/opposing doubles team.

ITA Rule II.K.4 "Line-up changes in back-to-back dual matches" (p. 255) In back-to-back dual meet matches (two consecutive dual meet matches played regardless of time between matches), the team line-up (as played) may be changed. A player may move up or down one position in this situation. The lineup must still stay in order of ability.
Prior to the start of the match and during the line-up exchange, it is the responsibility of the opposing coach to appeal any player being moved two or more positions in the line-up (from the previous match)"
Last item now stricken out.

Mary Ann Rader awarded Midwest Grassroots Award

Mary Ann Rader of Greenwood, IN in the Central Indiana District has been awarded the crystal ball as the Midwest Section grassroots umpire of the year for 2007. This is awarded by the national umpires committee to each section. Mary Ann has been a tireless district trainer of officials for many years. She spends many days training all the college students to become certified so that they can work the annual Midwest Closed Tournament in Indianapolis. She is always encouraging and teaches with a smile. Congratulations Mary Ann.

Previous winners have included Tina Herrera-Richards of Chicago district and Ron and Carol Gander of Northeastern Ohio district.